Cloud Slime Activity | Feast of the Ascension with PNP Kids
Join Ascetic Life of Motherhood in a cloud slime activity! The feast of the Ascension is celebrated 40 days after Pascha, so this year, we celebrate on June 13th! Cloud Slime Ingredients: 1 Cup of cornstarch 1/2 Cup of Inexpensive Conditioner Directions: Combine conditioner and cornstarch in a large mixing bowl and stir until dough forms. Finish kneading by hand until the dough is no longer sticky. We used 1/2 cup of conditioner and 1 cup of cornstarch, but you can make a bigger or smaller batch by adjusting the amounts. All you need to do is stick to a ratio of 2:1 or 2 parts cornstarch and 1 part conditioner. #patristicnectarkids #feastdays #orthodoxchristian #Orthodoxy #orthodoxfamily #christianfamily #christiantradition #kidsactivity #sundayschool #homeschool #familylife #kidscraft #slime