Saint Emilia | Plant a Fruit Bearing Tree with Ascetic Life of Motherhood & PNP Kids
🌱 Saint Emilia is a beautiful example of Christian motherhood. One can see the great virtue in her life, primarily through her children—the fruits of her labor and faith. As a mother, I find it inspiring that others are striving to raise Saints and, even more so, those who have succeeded at this monumental task!
🌱 It has been my desire to add fruit-bearing trees to our home each year, so I am using St Emilia as my inspiration, someone whose life produced so much good fruit. As we remember her each year, we can be re-inspired to produce good fruit through the spiritual effort in our lives. Of course, it takes YEARS to produce good fruit. So we must continue to tend to the garden, and when we fail, get up quickly and continue the task at hand.
🌱 As we add more fruit-bearing plants/trees to our property, we reclaim Eden, a glimmer of paradise. I hope to encourage parents to see their vocation as creating for themselves a little church and a slice of paradise in their own homes and in their children's hearts. Icon by @orthodoxdesignco (
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