Saints Constantine and Helen | Ascetic Life of Motherhood on PNP Kids
On May 21st, for the feast of St. Constantine and Helen, make homemade pesto for dinner with fresh basil! It’s said that St Helen discovered the True Cross of Christ buried under basil (a symbol of victory)! In a food processor or blender, blend up: 2 cups basil leaves ½ cup pine nuts 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1 small garlic clove ¼ teaspoon salt and black pepper to taste ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for a smoother pesto ¼ cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese Serve over chicken or with pasta! 🖥️Monthly Liturgical Printables from Ascetic Life of Motherhood: Grab some cute peg dolls: Please remember to donate to Patristic Nectar to help our ministry grow and to see more content from it. To send a tax-deductible gift, text "PNP" to 53-555 from your device. #patristicenectarkids #asceticlifeofmotherhood #orthodoxy #orthodoxkids #orthodoxchurch #saints #christianfamilyvlogs #jesus #kidsyoutube #kidsrecipe #familyrecipe #familytraditions #christiantraditions #homecooking #feastdays #sahm