How We Celebrate Name Days with Ascetic Life of Motherhood on PNP Kids
🎂 How we celebrate name days in our family. ♥️ A name day is the feast day of your patron saint! Typically we are named after this saint, either at birth or when we join the church, so if you have a patron saint, your name day is the day your patron saint is celebrated! ⛪️ If a service is offered, go to Church on your name day! 🖼️ Display the icon of your saint in a prominent place. 📖 Read the story of their life. 🫖 Host a name day party and invite friends.Focus on service - serve your guests or find a way to serve in the community.Eat your meals on a “God Grant you many years plate”. 🎵 Sing God Grant you many years and say a prayer to your saint! Name day gifts in our house are usually a new Orthodox book. 📸 Take a picture each year with your icon and watch as you grow up with your Saint.How do you celebrate name days in your house?#patristicnectarkids #saints #nameday #feastday #orthodoxkids #orthodoxchurch #orthodoxsaints #happyfeast #sundayschool #homeschool #sahm #christianhome #orthodoxfamily #kidscontent