A Tool to Battle Anger
Bishop Irenei of London & Western Europe (ROCOR)
*Event Announcement: Sacred Arts Conference*
Patristic Nectar is pleased to announce The Sacred Arts Conference featuring speakers *Jonathan Pageau* and *Fr. Maximos Constas* . The conference will take place from March 29-31, 2024. Secure your spot at www.conference.patristicnectar.org for more details.
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Purchase "Enduring Love: Laying Christian Foundations for Marriage" at your preferred bookseller:
Amazon: www.amazon.com/Enduring-Love-Christian-Foundations-Marriage/dp/1735011657
Barnes & Noble: www.barnesandnoble.com/w/enduring-love-josiah-trenham/1144547044?ean=9781735011653#
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*Enduring Love: Laying the Christian Foundations for Marriage*
Patristic Nectar Publications presents a new resource by Fr. Josiah Trenham. This workbook, designed for engaged and married couples, singles aspiring to wed, and priests, includes 10 chapters on various topics, discussion questions, scenarios, and space for notes.
Foreword by Bishop Basil (Essey)
ISBN# 978-1735011653
God's Design for Marriage
Love and Expectations
Friendship and Goals
Communication and Conflict
Sex and Romance
Children and Parenting
Roles and Responsibilities
Spiritual Life
Enduring to the End
Appendix - The Orthodox Rite of Marriage
*Newest Lecture Series: "The Holy Trinity" by Fr. Thomas Hopko*
Explore the lecture series for free here. The series covers various topics related to the Holy Trinity.
Lecture Titles:
Jesus and the One God
How Does Jesus Relate to God?
Who Do People Say That I Am? (Part 1)
Who Do People Say That I Am? (Part 2)
Understanding Our Being in Regards to the Holy Trinity.
The Trinity and the Filioque.
Human Life in Imitation of God.
Living the Divine Life in This World.
If You Want to Be Saved.
Iconography Regarding the Trinity.
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Facebook: bit.ly/33Bzmpx
Twitter: bit.ly/3igrH4f
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