Fr. Josiah exposits the Book of Revelation verse by verse in order to give the reader insight into both the original meaning of the text to its 1st century audience and a practical application of its message to the Church today. The Revelation of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian completes the New Testament Canon. It is both an end and a beginning, as it unveils to the Church both the cataclysmic conclusion of this falling age, and the ushering in of the New Heavens and New Earth where righteousness dwells forever. The Revelation, or the Apocalypse, as it is traditionally known, is a unique genre of literature among the 27 books of the New Testament known as "apocalyptic." In 22 sacred chapters St. John reveals the zeal of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ to maintain the purity of His Church, and to lead Her victoriously into His eternal Kingdom. Under numerous symbols and images, as well as dramatic and confrontational historical depictions, the nature of the war in heaven and on earth is revealed between the Church of Jesus Christ and Her enemies: the dragon, the beast, the false prophet, the harlot and those in alliance with evil. The message of the Lord to His much-suffering Church of the 1st century and today is this: Be faithful to the end, for the Lord is coming quickly to reward those who hold fast to His Name.