Family Life: Following Jesus Christ In Your Home

Patristic Nectar Publications is pleased to present a new 6-part lecture series by Father Josiah Trenham entitled Family Life: Following Jesus Christ in Your Home. In these lectures, Father Josiah expounds upon the many ways in which the sacred presence of Jesus Christ at the heart of the family is able to infuse the daily routines of family life with the scent of heaven and turn the family home into a domestic church. In these eminently practical lectures Father draws from his and Presbytera Catherine’s more than 30 years of family struggle -  the many ways that the love of God can be intertwined with nourishing marriage, raising children, governing a kitchen, bridal chamber, and household, and contributing positively to a neighborhood and the local community.   

Lecture titles are:

Lecture #1 How Jesus Christ Changes Our Marriages

Lecture #2 The Symbiosis of Marriage and Monasticism

Lecture #3 The Impact of a Christian Family on the Neighborhood and Society

Lecture #4 Food, Sex, and Possessions in the Christian Family

Lecture #5 Common Family Troubles and Solution Paths

Lecture #6 Ministering to One Another in the Home