Patristic Nectar is pleased to present the 2022 Annual Patristic Nectar Conference entitled, Holy Orthodoxy: Presenting the Christian Faith. We intend to present a high-level overview of the traditional Christian faith as an exercise in fundamental catechism. Participants in this conference may expect to receive wide-ranging exposure to basic Christian theology by superb pedagogues with the intent to deepen the faith of Orthodox Christians and to broadly expose seekers to key contours of Christian belief.
Lecture #1 The Hidden Treasure: Personal Awakening to God (Father Maximos Constas)
Lecture #2 By Dying, We Live: Conversion Paradigms (Father Josiah Trenham)
Lecture #3 Let Us Rejoice in the Lord: Community, Liturgy, Worship (Father Maximos Constas)
Lecture #4 You Have the Words of Life: The Place of Holy Scripture in the Church (Father Bogdan Bucur)
Lecture #5 Sacred Images: Orthodox Life in Christ (Father Maximos Constas)
Lecture #6 De-Mystifying Mystical Theology: Knowing the Unknown God in the Church (Dr. Tikhon Pino)
Lecture #7 Here We Have No Lasting City: The Consummation of the Ages (Father Maximos Constas)