Joy: An Exposition of Saint Paul's Letter to the Philippians

An exposition of St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians. This sacred letter reveals the world-conquering mystery of Christian faith. Here St. Paul unveils the orientation of his entire life when he says, "For me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Of all St. Paul's letters in the New Testament, Philippians is the most personal. The Great Apostle had a very dear relationship with this local church, and the theme of Christian joy radiates in each of the four chapters. This is deeply intriguing since St. Paul wrote this joyful letter of thanksgiving while he was in prison! Each of the chapters contains some of the most sublime teachings of the Gospel, including in chapter 2 the most detailed Apostolic teaching on the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ found in the entire New Testament. These lectures are presented with the sincere hope that a more thorough study of this Pauline letter will fill believers with the joy which St. Paul models and of which he speaks.