Patristic Nectar Publications is pleased to present a new six-lecture series by Father Josiah Trenham entitled Let Everything That Hath Breath Praise the Lord: The Psalms in the Divine Services. The Psalter is the supreme hymn book of the Church of Christ, and individual psalms – thematically selected to accentuate the core purpose of each worship service – are appointed to be read and/or chanted in each service. Father Josiah explains the significance of the particular Psalms that are found in the Divine Liturgy, Orthros, Vespers, Compline, as well as the exceedingly important and popular Shepherd Psalm 22, Repentance Psalm 50 – used in many liturgical services, and the Word of God Psalm 118. Father also begins each lecture with a brief discussion of particular commentary on the Psalms from different Holy Fathers.
Lecture 1 - Psalm 50: The Psalm of Repentance.
Lecture 2 - Psalm 1: The Godly Man
Lecture 3 - Psalm 103: The Psalm of Creation
Lecture 4 - Psalm 118: The Psalm of the Word of God
Lecture 5 - Psalm 22 The Good Shepherd
Lecture 6 The Orthros Psalms