ORIGINS: Creationism, Evolution, and an Orthodox Theology of Creation

Patristic Nectar Publications is pleased to present a new five-lecture series by His Grace, Irenei, Bishop of London and Western Europe for the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, entitled ORIGINS: Creationism, Evolution and an Orthodox Theology of Creation. Well-known patristics scholar and respected arch-pastor Bishop Irenei labors in this series to help believers approach the theology of creation from the presuppositions of the Church instead of through the prisms of evolution and creationism. By an intensive examination of the foundational texts of Genesis, together with numerous sources from the Church Fathers, Bishop Irenei enables us to perceive the Church’s own theological priorities and emphases when addressing the subject of creation.

Lecture titles include:   

Lecture #1 The Lamb Slain Before the Foundation of the World: Moving Beyond Creationism and Evolution 

Lecture #2 The Order of Salvation: The Creation of the Cosmos as the Beginning of the Church in Genesis 

Lecture #3 The Fashioning of Man: The Pinnacle of Creation 

Lecture #4 Creation and Its Consequences: The Sanctity of Life and Ecology 

Lecture #5 Review with Q and A