Patristic Nectar Publications is pleased to present a new five-lecture series by Father Josiah Trenham entitled Sirach: Fashioning a Life of Wisdom. The Wisdom of Sirach or Ecclesiasticus, as the book is known in the Western or Latin tradition, is a choice composition from the Wisdom literature of the Old Testament.Cb" B/ Written in the 2nd century BC in Hebrew and translated into Greek by the author's grandson in Alexandria Egypt this majestic portion of Holy Scripture combines the rich aphorisms of traditional Hebrew sapiential literature with the concerns and background of 2nd-century Hellenic culture. Jesus LS:815 was highly prized by the Church Fathers from the earliest days of the Church. In these five lectures Father Josiah honesC"b B/in on the themes of learning and seeking wisdom humility work wealth almsgiving friendship social life wives women medicine and physicians youth and aging and wise speech and the power of words. In these topical lectures practical substance is given to the practice of the fear of God in a wide array of human activity so that the servant of God pleases the Lord and lives thoroughly and thoughtfully before Him.C"b B/
Lecture #1 - Learning and Humility.
Lecture #2 - Work and Wealth in Sirach
Lecture #3 - Almsgiving Friendship and Social Relations
Lecture #4 - Wives Women and the Stages of Life
Lecture #5 - Wise Words