Taming Lions: The Life and Prophecy of the Holy and Righteous Daniel

A deep look into the longer Orthodox and Catholic version of the precious Old Testament prophetical Book of Daniel, unlocking principles of godly integrity and virtue and providing guidance in the meaning of Daniel’s prophetic visions.   Lectures on Chapters 1-6 focus on the marvelous character of the Prophet Daniel and the Three Holy Youths. Having established the integrity and virtue of Daniel, called several times in the text a "man of high esteem", lectures on Chapters 7-12 attempt to explain with patristic guidance the meaning of the stunning visions that Daniel has of the future of the Babylonian, Persian, Greek and Roman Empires, as well as the coming of the Kingdom of God in the person of the mysterious "Son of Man." The eleventh and final lecture is dedicated to Chapters 13-14 which relate the stories of Susanna, Bel and the Dragon that are unfortunately not found in those English Bibles based on the Jewish Masoretic text.