The Hidden Man of the Heart

Archimandrite Zacharias provides a series of presentations on the place of the heart in the spiritual life of the Christian, with special reference to the writings of St. Silouan the Athonite and Elder Sophrony of Essex. His Grace, Bishop Basil of Wichita and Mid-America, introduces this series with these words, “In Father Zacharias’ words and very person we hear the mind of the Church in ways that we usually do not hear it, for in Father’s Zacharias teaching we touch the saints, both Elder Sophrony and St. Silouan… He presents a tapestry of Christian experience… Let us attend so that you too might be woven into that tapestry that we know as sacred tradition.” These lectures culminated in a book entitled "The Hidden Man of the Heart".  The highly esteemed Archimandrite Zacharias (Zacharou), is the spiritual son of the late Elder Sophrony of Essex.