Theological Foundations: God, Man, and the World
PNP is pleased to present a new ten-part lecture series entitled Theological Foundations: God, Man and the World in Genesis 1-3. The opening chapters of the Holy Bible provide the fundamental elements of the Christian worldview. 
There we learn about the One True God, the human being fashioned in God's image, and God's meaning-infused creation. These texts, which have always formed a central element in the Church's catechetical ministry, present the most important of Christian convictions. These chapters are particularly relevant today as secularism has suppressed these essential truths from the western mind, and priests can no longer assume that these basic theological affirmations are believed by those coming to the Church or raised in the Church.  These lectures are presented as an aid in the formation of catechumens and as an effort to set forth the transcendent beauty of the glory of God, of the human being, and of God's magnificent world.   
Lecture titles are:
Lecture # 1 The One True God
Lecture # 2 The Tri-Personal God and His Energy
Lecture # 3 The Loving Providence of God
Lecture # 4 Mankind in the Image of God
Lecture # 5 Pristine Man
Lecture # 6 Devastated Man
Lecture # 7 The World
Lecture # 8 Work, Rest, Marriage, and the Sanctity of Life
Lecture # 9 Satan
Lecture # 10 Holy Angels