Wisdom for Family Life

St. John Chrysostom writes concerning parenting: "This is not about trifles. We are discussing the governance of the world!" In this series husbands and wives can glean practical guidance from the Scriptures and the Church Fathers on how to sweeten and deepen their marital union, and mothers and fathers can hear the voice of the Goldenmouth call them to take up their parental calling as artists fashioning the highest art-the images of God-and as governors of their own house-cities in which they must learn to establish and enforce laws that give life for, in Chrysostom's words, "God Himself intends to live in this city." This lecture series includes two lectures dedicated to spousal relations and parenting, an audio book recording of St. John Chrysostom's famous text on child-rearing entitled On Vainglory and the Proper Upbringing of Children, and a frame-ready copy of a Prayer of Parents for Their Children (download below).