Patristic Nectar Publications is pleased to present a new four-lecture series by Father Josiah Trenham entitled Churchmanship: Learning to Become a Faithful Parishioner. No person is born knowing how to live faithfully as a parish member. Faithful parishioners are made by God. This series is designed to set forth the traditional ecclesial vision for full-orbed church membership in which the spiritual dynamism of life in Christ is expressed in the fellowship of the local church where inspired service to God, each other, and to the world takes place.
The four lectures are entitled:
Lecture #1 Orthodox Church Membership
Lecture #2 The Duties of Parishioners to Each Other
Lecture #3 The Duties of Parishioners to Their Priest
Lecture #4 The Duties of Parishioners to the Mission of the Parish in the World
This series is available for free on the Patristic Nectar app.